Discover new insights.
Lead with purpose.
Act with courage.
TMWorkshops for Pastors and Leaders
We’re doing things a little differently this year. We’re offering a hybrid of video (asynchronous) and live content,
beginning April 8, 2024.
As a participant in this year’s workshops you will have access to over 30 hours of TMWorkshops (TMW1 & TMW2) prerecorded zooms to watch at your own pace. And over 5 hours of bonus content about interim ministry & church finances.
These recordings include bible studies, content presentations, interviews with seasoned transitional pastors, handouts, real life stories of change (and conflict), and case study conversations with pastors and elders from churches in the midst of deep transformational work.
In addition to the recorded content, you will also join 8 live zooms to get to know other participants, build community, share your context and challenges, and dive into the content together.
All live zooms will be facilitated by Scott Lumsden and/or Eliana Maxim and recorded for later viewing. TMW1 & TMW2 Certificates upon completion.
Cost: $700 Now $500
Questions? Email Scott
2024 TMWorkshops Zoom Schedule
8 Mondays from 8:30-10:30am PST
April 8 // Welcome to TMWorkshops
April 22 // Intro to Transitional Ministry (w/Interviews)
April 29 // Leading Change (w/Interviews)
May 6 // The Leader & the Congregational System (w/Interviews)
May 13 // The People-ness of Change (w/Case Studies)
June 10 // Session (Board) & Staff in Transition (w/Case Studies)
June 24 // Finances & Buildings in Transition (w/Case Studies)
July 8 // Transitional Pastors in Transition
Lead Change
We live in unprecedented times. Change is happening all around us. Movements are afoot that will change the landscape of our world for decades to come. With all this going on, why is it so hard to make even the smallest change in the congregations we serve?
Transitional Ministry Workshops explore the Elements of Change to help you discover the frameworks, ideas, and courage you need to lead a congregation through change. Whether it be as an interim, transitional, or installed pastor, this online training will provide you with the necessary space and encouragement you desire to reengage your ministry.