2024 TMWorkshops
Watch all the video content by the “Complete by” date listed below,
then join the zoom from 8:30-10:30am Pacific Time on that date using the zoom link:
The foundational framework for the Transitional Ministry Workshops.
It all starts with establishing trust among leadership.
Trust builds leadership and insights that move to questions of purpose.
Insight & Purpose must lead to Action.
Communication & Progress
Communication & Progress ensure that new patterns of faithfulness can take root.
Communication & Progress ensure that new patterns of faithfulness can take root.
21. Moving the Pews
Talking about church buildings, the sanctuary, and the physical footprint of the congregation in transitions.
Talking about church buildings, the sanctuary, and the physical footprint of the congregation in transitions.
22. More Deep Change at Newport PC
A 10 year long transition with fits and starts, but also deep insights and eventual success.
A 10 year long transition with fits and starts, but also deep insights and eventual success.
23. Wrapping it up ... Transitional work and presbyteries
Navigating the larger system of judicatories and staying sane.
Navigating the larger system of judicatories and staying sane.
24. Lake Burien Part 2.
Real transformation takes time, persistence, and deep trusting partnership in order to go deep.
Real transformation takes time, persistence, and deep trusting partnership in order to go deep.